Meenakshi H. Rajan, Esquire ©
On March 16, 2020, the Supreme Court of Virginia issued an Order Declaring a Judicial Emergency In Response to Covid-19 Emergency. As a result of that Order, many local courts continued non-emergency hearings and trials scheduled to be heard between now and April 6. The continued cases will be heard on later dates to be scheduled. The Supreme Court left open the possibility of continuing additional cases after April 6.
If you have a case scheduled between now and the end of April and are unrepresented by counsel, the attorneys at The Myerson Law Group, P.C. can help you navigate these complicated waters. Many routine traffic cases have been automatically continued. Other cases, such as non-emergency family law matters scheduled for April, can be continued by agreement of the parties due to the novel situation. If you have recently traveled to an area with widespread Covid-19 community transmission or are caring for a sick relative, you may also be able to continue your case. The attorneys at The Myerson Law Group, P.C. can help advise you on the likelihood of a continuance.
If you do have an emergency matter in April or a case scheduled for May, the attorneys at The Myerson Law Group, P.C. can help you prepare for trial. Our attorneys are teleworking and have many tools to prepare for trial remotely, including video conferencing and an electronic case management system. Additionally, at present one attorney and two members of our support staff are working from the office. Although we are living in unusual times, we are ready and able to prepare your case for trial and help you navigate through the legal system.
Please reach out to the attorneys at The Myerson Law Group, P.C. if you are preparing for trial in these uncertain times.