Meenakshi H. Rajan, Esquire © Part 1 of 3 Part 2: What is a "PL Hearing"? / Part 3: What if a "PL Order" is Wrong? Family law attorneys frequently use the term “PL” when talking to clients about time sensitive matters that need court-ordered resolution during the divorce …
Meena Rajan
What if a “PL Order” is Wrong?
Meenakshi H. Rajan, Esquire © Part 3 of 3 Part I: What is a "PL Hearing"? / Part 2: How is a "PL Hearing" Decided? A Pendente Lite (PL) Order may be necessary to protect marital property, divide household expenses, or provide financial support for a spouse or children while a …
How is a “PL Hearing” Decided?
Meenakshi H. Rajan, Esquire © Part 2 of 3 Part I: What is a "PL Hearing"? / Part 3: What if a "PL Order" is Wrong? In my previous article, “What is a PL Hearing?”, I explained that a pendente lite (PL) hearing occurs to resolve certain issues on a temporary basis pending …