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Practice Areas

Criminal Defense
We realize how daunting a criminal charge and its potential penalties can be – incarceration, heavy fines, loss of driving privileges, restitution, and other far-reaching personal and professional implications. Safeguarding the future of our clients is our highest priority. In every case we handle, we strive to protect our clients’ rights and seek a favorable outcome in the context of each client’s case.
Family Law
We care about our clients and take a personal interest in their families. From child support to the complex division of marital assets, we will work with them and the needs of their families to determine the best course of action. We support alternatives to litigation, including negotiation, mediation and collaboration; however, we zealously represent clients in litigation when that is the pathway best suited for their situation.
Civil Law
A wide variety of legal matters exist outside the parameters of either criminal law or family law. The attorneys at The Myerson Law Group, P.C. have long represented individuals and businesses in a variety of civil disputes. This experience encompasses resolution of such matters through negotiation, through mediation or arbitration, or when necessary, through litigation.

Why Choose Us?

The Myerson Law Group, P.C. zealously advocates for our clients to achieve fair and favorable results in their family law, criminal defense and other legal matters. We represent individuals, families and professionals throughout Northern Virginia.

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Words are Magic – Handle with Care

Jay has been telling clients and colleagues throughout his career that "words are magic" and to use them with care as they carry the power to harm or heal. As Virginia State Bar President, he shared his message in his …

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What if a “PL Order” is Wrong?

Meenakshi H. Rajan, Esquire © Part 3 of 3 Part I: What is a "PL Hearing"? / Part 2: How is a "PL Hearing" Decided? A Pendente Lite (PL) Order may be necessary to protect marital property, divide …

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